Healthcare Knowledge Translation

Important research findings often have limited real-world impact because they are too complex and inaccessible to bridge the gap from research to practice. Translating complex findings into understandable information patients, clinicians, and other healthcare stakeholders can use to inform healthcare decisions is a core AIR skill.

Our Work

AIR manages the Translation Center for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and prepares clear, comprehensible summaries of research findings to aid patient and clinician decisions.

Similarly, AIR, through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, supports the independent U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) in making evidence-based clinical recommendations for preventive services more transparent to the public, patients, clinicians, and policymakers. Since 2010, AIR has reviewed and analyzed over 10,000 public comments on the USPSTF’s draft research plans, systematic evidence reviews, and recommendation statements on a wide range of services, such as breast cancer screening, HIV PrEP, and aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Managing Director
Emily Elstad
Principal Researcher